November 14th 2015
Pathfinder Hunt

Hider: Glenn AB6PA

From the hider:  My original hiding place was not of sufficient quality to get a signal back to the starting point.  I was running 35 watts into a 13 element beam.  I was hoping for a Baldy Bounce, but that didn’t happen.  So I moved to another location.  My apologies to all of the hunters as it was about 25 minutes after the start time before I got to a high enough position to be heard at the starting point.

 The hiding place was I believe (I forgot to mark it on the GPS) on Snake Bite Gulch at 33⁰ 44’ 16.62” N by 117⁰ 21’ 15.73 “W. 

Following are the results.

Calls           Time    Miles

N6AIN           9:15    52.9 miles
WB6JPI -        DNF
WA6CYY -        DNF

Winner by defalt Deryl N6AIN