Sept 11, 2004
"What, No Full Moon?"
Pathfinder Hunt

K6SNE Hider

I found a wonderful garden spot in Riverside known as Grand Terrace.....What an armpit.

I placed 2 transmitters there, one of which could just barely be heard at the start point. I got some great bounces off of a mountain in Rancho Cucamonga which made everyone go there first. The trains that regularly passed in front of my antenna played with the signal too. Three official teams and one unofficial team made it to the hide location to brave the infamous Riverside West Nile Skeeters....
They were:

KF6GQ/KD6LAJ         47.3 total miles, 2 Ts found    Winners!

N6XFC/N6MJN          60.6 total miles, 2 Ts found

N6AIN/WA6PYE/KG6RQQ  69.1 total miles, 2 Ts found

N6IDF                Unofficial, 2 Ts found
Thanks for coming out!  73 de K6SNE