July 14th 2007
Transmitter Hunt

Hider: Bob WB6JPI

Twas a nice day. Early Saturday morning I went to Paris, er, I mean Perris and wandered into Steele Valley, just NW of Steele Peak. This is about 4 miles west of Paris on the Seine with a beautiful view of fishermen and pretty ladies...no I am wandering again...4 miles west of Perris and well inbounds.  This spot was great as you had to go on Maywood Club Rd., marked Christmas Tree lane with local signs and on to a paved one lane road going on to a very large nursery and then to a collection of 40 ft microwave dishes belonging to Vxyx and mostly pointed at China whereupon it lost it's pavement and after another mile you wound up in back of the nursery. My thought was to point the big beam at Big Bear but I couldn't see it from there due to the local hills. Phooey. This is where T5 was located, a talking squawkbox hanging from a Yucca.

I then wandered back onto pavement and back on Maywood Club toward Santa Rose Mine Rd and just befor I got there I swing west on mean little dirt road and it climbed around a hill for a half mile or so had a nice view of Big Bear so I set up the 13 element horizontal 30 watt T7 there. (This is the same transmitter/antenna that in the past caused many to sniff 50 miles away). Love it. You could hear T5 just fine there.

To plot the two locations:
T7 (main t) N33 46.843 W117 19.149
T5               N33 46.079 W117 19.096

Three teams started. Only N6AIN/WA6PYE gave up without finding me parked at T7 (I got into the IARU contest with 9 zones, five countries..this is a great 20M spot with the noise level well below S1)

Calls                    Miles   Time
N6MJN                    105     1:15 AM SUNDAY WINNER
WA6DWL/K6MJU             RESET  12:49 AM SUNDAY
N6AIN/WA6PYE             DNF

N6MJN                    107     1:42 AM SUNDAY
WA6DWL/K6MJU             DNF
N6AIN/WA6PYE             DNF