July 10th 2004
Pathfinder Hunt

Hiders: David N6IDF and Melanie KF6GWV

Well, we had plans to hide in an out-of-the-way spot, but I was feeling like garbage on Saturday afernoon, so we had a change in plans.


We started from a high up location in san Dimas just off the 57.  We knew we could get a good strong signal to the start point from here, so there would be no complaints.  A check with the hunter proved this to be true.  Apparently 40dB of attenuation was needed at the start point.  We gave the hunters about 8 minutes to ensure that they were off the hill, then we began our journey.  With K6SNE in tow... He knew our final destination because he FORGOT his hunt radio at home.

We began heading North on the 57 to the 210E at about 55 MPH.  We exited the 210 at Foothill and hit a Carl's JR drivethough, knowing full well that the enclosed drivethrough would make our signal go to poo poo.  After about 5 minutes, we were out of the drivethrough and on our way back to the 210E.  We continued on the 210E at a pace of 55MPH to the 15N.  It was at this point that we met up with K6SNE.  We continued up the 15N to the 215S.  We got off at Palm Ave and stopped in a dirt parking lot for about 5 minutes to confuse the hunters, and give them a chance to catch up.  We made our way back to the 215S to
Colton, and exited at the Washington exit.  We parked in the Denny's parking lot, and went inside and waited for about 45 minutes for the first hunters to appear.

The first team in was WA6DWL/K6MJU, followed by N6AIN/WA6PYE about 20 minutes later.

At the restuarant, many lies were exhanged. Lies includ the one about us being stationary the whole time, and how it must have been some strange atmospheric condition coupled with the trucks coming off the freeway next to Denny's that made for the strange signal.  We had the hunters convinced that we were stationary, and we almost let them leave with that idea, but I have a heart, and I let the cat out of the bag.

The winner is N6AIN/WA6PYE with 54.8
WA6DWL/K6MJU had 60.7