May 9th 2009
Transmitter Hunt

Hiders: Peter KG6LSE and Louise KI6DGD

3 Ts. 
T1 was at the east end of the runway at Cable Airport in Claremont.
T2 was in a bush in front of RVAC on Holt in Montclair.
T3 was at Peter and Louise home in Claremont.


Calls         Time    Miles
N6MJN         8:19 PM 19.7
N6AIN/WA6PYE  8:19 PM 20.4
N6ZHZ/KD6CYG  8:55 PM 25.1

N6ZHZ/KD6CYG  8:10 PM 20.1
N6AIN/WA6PYE  8:40 PM 25.3
N6MJN         8:46 PM 26.5

N6AIN/WA6PYE  9:13 PM 34.6
N6MJN         9:30 PM 40.0
N6ZHZ/KD6CYG 10:16 PM 35.0

Winner is Deryl N6AIN and Steve WA6PYE