Results of the February 14th 1998 Valentine's Day Pathfinder T-Hunt

Hiders....Bob N6ZHZ and Cathy KC6CYG

N6ZHZ & KD6CYG hid two T's off Industrial Parkway in the Devore area, just inside the 215 Fwy boundry. Fortunately the rain (or lack theof) cooperated, and it was dry during the hunt.

The main T was 5 watts thru a 4 element beam, horizontal, pointed at the start point. The second T was the Froggy T hidden in Cathy's coat pocket. It was slightly mobile, but everyone found it, with no additional mileage penalties.

CALL              MILES       

N6XFC  & N6MJN    39.70

WA6PYE & WA6DLQ   43.70

KD6SNE & BUZZ     71.50

N6AIN             80.10

Even taking into account Crenshaw 

Factors, XFC & MJN won.   Congrats!