November 20th 2004

Fullerton Transmitter Hunt

Hider: Mike K6SNE

Hiding place: The Transmitter was hidden in Santa Ana, on the Santa Ana College Campus, in the back of the Santa Ana College Security Jeep. It was a 330 watt PicCon box. Those who came out on the hunt were treated to one heck of a structure fire near the Santa Ana Civic Center.


CALL                       MILES       Factor
N6XFC & Cody               15.0 miles  CF 9.2 (1.63) (WINNER)
N6AIN/WA6PYE KG6RQQ/Scott  15.8 miles  CF 9.0 (1.75)
W9GQI                      DNF           

Thank you all for coming out.

Mike K6SNE