Results of the November 15th 1997 Fullerton T-Hunt

Hiders....Steve WA6PYE and Vince WA6DLQ

Here are the long awaited Fullerton hunt results for Saturday November 15, 1997. For details of the hideing location see Pahtfinder hunt results for Saturday November 8, 1997. Yes, we hid in the same location with the beam pointed at Mt. Baldy this time instead of Box Springs. I want to appoligize for the long time it has taken to get these results on the web. My copy of the milages had some discrepencys and I had to contact Jo (K0OV) and Vince (WA6DLQ) to get them straigntened out. If you have any questions about these results you can e-mail me by clicking on the space below this report. Thank's for comming out on the hunt.

  Call/s         Miles      
1.N6ZHZ/KD6CYG   18.80   WINNER 
2.N6MJN/N6XFC    20.25
3.KD6SNE         24.00 
4.N6AIN/N6EKS    25.05
5.K0OV           27.60
6.WB6ADC         28.65
7.N6MI           39.15
8.WA6MVO         D.N.F.