Having my "new-old" car enabled me to hide my very OWN Fullerton 3rd Saturday hunt. Helping me on this hide is first time hunter Alonso Perez KF6LFZ from the Pasadena Radio Club.
After driving all over the eastern half of Anaheim Hills I settled for a choice piece of property right off Weir Canyon Road and Blue Sky Drive. There's plenty of new construction going on there due to the opening of Eastern Toll Road Route 241/261.
Hidden tee was 340 milliwatt radio into a 15db attenuator equals about a 1-2mw signal to the 4 element quad. Antenna was aiming east at Sierra Peak hoping for any kind of reflection which for some teams did detect and try to follow. The first 4 teams found us in little under an hour with the rest scattered until 10pm.
Tee was placed so minimal signal made it 200 yards west to Weir Canyon and appeared to be a weak S2 or so. A 60 foot dirt housing pad berm helped alot.
CALL/S MILES CF WA6DLQ/WA6PYE 11.80 1.2688....WINNER N6XFC/N6MJN 11.60 1.3488** KF6GQ/KD6LAJ 11.95 1.3541** N6AIN/N6EKS 12.30 1.3667** KB6WKT/KE6HPZ 12.35 No Crenshaw K0OV/UZZ/LRH 13.75 1.4946 WB6ADC/NYW/RNL 17.35 1.9278 KJ6HZ........Close by on Weir Canyon at 11pm but chased away by Anaheim PD. Unofficial: KD6SNE.....10:15pm KE6GQO.....10:15pm
**XFC, GQ, and AIN teams were all within 850 FEET of each other according
to the EXACT calculations of K0OV's math.
73 Richard N6UZS.