First of all, my apologies to those of you looking for an access road to the transmitter. I lost the rules to the Fullerton Hunt and I thought the transmitter could be 300 ft from driveable pavement. Anyway, everyone eventually found the transmitter and I hope you all had a good time. The transmitter was hidden just off the 60/57 freeway at Golden Springs Dr. Take the double loop past the Radisson Inn and the transmitter was about 300 ft. into a dirt lot on Bridge Gate Dr. near the University of Phoenix. The transmitter was running about 3 watts. WA6ADC commented that it was too much power, but unfortunately the Motorola Mitrek on minimum power setting runs 3 watts. The antenna was an 11 element yagi, and thanks to Byon N6BG we had just put together one of his PicCon tone generators a few days before the hunt. Congratulation to WA6ADC for winning the hunt. Crenshaws had no affect on the results so here are the total mileage's:
Call Signs Total Miles WA6ADC/KB6NYW 12.5 Winner WA6DLQ/WA6PYE 13.5 N6ZHZ/KD6CYG 14.0 KE6HPZ/WB6JDH 14.4 N6AIN/N6EKS 17.2 W6HK/KF6IZO 35.9 K0OV 40.6 N6MJN/XFC Not Reported