Fullerton Radio Club 

T-Hunt Results


Call CF T-1
N6IDF  9.10 18.0
WA6DLQ / WB6RQT  9.30 18.4
KF6GQ / KD6LAJ & FRIEND  9.24 18.4
N6UZS  9.00 19.9
K6SNE  8.60 19.1
N6ZHZ  9.00 21.1
N6AIN / WA6PYE  9.00 22.6
Thank you all for coming out
Hiders: N6XFC & N6MJN

1 transmitters was hidden at the end of Green River RD at the Golf Club entrance.
The T was running 6 watts into a quad pointed at Sierra Pk. The Quad was only a few inches off the ground.