The transmitter was located on the campus of Cal. Poly just off Mansion Ln. Thomas Guide page 640 A1.
Most of the hunters drove up Mansion Lane, but two teams (N6ZHZ and KD6EYR) came up the side of the hill from the behind one of the Dormitory building, lower down on the hill. One team put on some miles just to get to the start point. KE6HTS and WB6OBB drove in from San Barbara just to go on this hunt. Now there are some dedicated T-hunters.
THE RESULTS: CALL/s MILEAGE TIME CF CU _____________________________________________________ KF6GQ / KD6LAJ 17.25 8:55 PM 9.4 1.8357 N6ZHZ / KC6DCL 17.70 9:36 PM 9.3 1.8910 WB6ADC / N6UZS 17.90 10:00 PM 9.0 1.9889 KD6EYR / CINDY 18.00 9:34 PM na N6MJN / WA6PYE 18.30 9:35 PM 8.6 2.1279 N6AIN / N6EKS 21.70 9:04 PM 9.2 2.3587 KE6HTJ / WB6OBB 21.80 9:50 PM na KD6SNE DNF