Was it out at the boundary, close by on the hilltop, or somewhere in between? That was the problem facing Fullerton Radio Club T-hunters on March 20. The due-north signal was steady but weak at the starting point. One hunter immediately declared it to be a Baldy bounce and took off. Others checked Bastanchury and State College, got a similar direction to the Skyline bearing, and headed for Harbor Boulevard (no signal there), stopping only at the Vantage Pointe Drive hilltop where the signal couldn't be heard in any direction. Oops, the T was actually close by, 3.1 miles to be exact, near the end of Site Drive in Brea. The 11-element beam was on a hillside with a direct view of the starting point, so it only took about 1 microwatt into the coax to do the job.
You could drive to the T in about 5.5 miles. Deryl and Ray overshot the least, so they ended up winning. Crenshaws factors did not affect the placings.
Results: Team Odo N6AIN/N6EKS 8.0 Winner N6ZHZ 16.25 WA6DLQ/WA6PYE 16.9 KF6RNL 17.9 WB6ADC/N6UZS 20.55 KD6SNE Not reported 73 de Joe K0OV Assisted by WA6OPS, WB6UZZ and KE6IPY