David and melanie's Story of The

May 31st. FFA Hunt


Woke up Saturday morning all ready for an FFA in our backyard. We left at 8:30, which gave us plenty of time to get to the restaurant by 9:00, the official breakfast start time. When we got in the area, we heard Jippy's 'come and eat' T, and began to hunt it. Not wanting to waste too much time trying to find it, we decided to give a call on the air to find out where the restaurant was. Jippy came back to us and told us it is Tom's #1 on Alessandro, and that him and Deryl were just leaving to go hide their T's... WHAT? It was only 9:10, and they were already going to hide? I thought we were supposed to begin hiding at 10:00! Oh well, we went to Tom's #1 and had a very good breakfast nonetheless.

By the time we finished at 9:45, there were several T's already on the air. We decided we would go find the most annoying T first, Jippy's T5. We found this rather quickly, hid several T's, found several more, then Melanie got tired and wanted to go home. I drove back to Redlands, dropped her off, and then came back out to find several more T's on my own.

Here is what we found:

Callsign     Total T's

WB6JPI         3

GQ/LAJ         3

N6AIN          2

Total          8

Here is what we hid:

T Location                                      Found by

T16 (twigtenna 2W) Backside of Box Springs       JPI

T8 (squakbox 50mW) N of Morton RD                JPI,AIN,GQ/LAJ

T12 (twigtenna 2W)                               JPI,AIN,GQ/LAJ

T6 (squakbox 50mW)                               AIN,JPI


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