August 29th 2009
Free For All

Location: Around the Cajon Summit area.

We all had breakfast at the Summit Inn and made a few rules.
Just one, 4:00 PM will be quiting time.


                                                Noumber of 
 Teams                 Number of Ts found     their Ts found   Total
                       DWL RJN AIN JPI ZHZ
WA6DWL/K6MJU & Mike     x   4   3   7   4           4          22
WA6RJN                  4   x   3   7   0           6          20
N6AIN                   4   5   x   7   0           4          20
WB6JPI                  2   0   4   x   2           9          17
N6ZHZ                   0   0   0   6   x           4          10
Winner: WA6DWL/K6MJU and Mike
I think we all had a good time and look forward to the next 5th Saturday hunt
be it a WWNIATT or a Free For All.
Deryl N6AIN

Some Photos and Videos from Mike K6MJU