Jippy's Store
February 28, 2009

  <>A beautiful day for anything. Temps around 80 degrees, clear and a slight breeze. I was looking for a run up the coast toward San Luis Obispo, but no such luck.

Two transmitters, T1 and T2 were clearly heard at the start, both horizontal and from 80 degrees or so. Too far south to be San Gorgonio and too far north to be a serious bounce off of San Jacinto so it might be Palm Springs and the high desert or Las Vegas. Stopped at Green River on the 91 freeway and confirmed it was in the gap between Gorgonio and Jacinto and proceeded on through the badlands on the 60 Fwy and into Beaumont. There were lots of transmitters heard in Beaumont. Had lunch with Deryl and the hider Doug, (who was lurking nearby).

Found T3 and T6, the little green bug, at the radio site just south of Beaumont, went after T7 which was up north in Mile High Canyon and then after T2. that was around 10-12 miles of dirt up the old Idyllwild road? Along the way I go bearings on T1 that were pointed at Mt Edna. So I went around to the “new” road to Idyllwild Rt, 243 and it pointed west toward Mt Edna. The Mt. Edna  road from 243 and the other end from the old road were both gated. There are no roads in between and the signal was still too weak to be any where near the roads so I concluded that T1 was a hike and as it was dark and I was tired, it could stay in there without my help.

I did go over across the 10 FWY in Banning and found T4 and had a nice dinner at Grandma’s Kitchen with Scott and Company. The restaurant folk were very nice and held the restaurant open for us to swap lies and giggle a lot. Scott went on to find T2 his last T, and I went home, having found 5 of the 7 Ts..

It was a very very good hunt. It had lots of easy (T3, T6, T4, T7),  some medium (T2 , T9) and a hike-in (T1). The most enjoyment you can have for one tankful of gas.
