November 24th 2018
Mini All Day
Transmitter Hunt

Hiders: Steve KD6LAJ and Don KF6GQ
Where: 7 transmitters were hid in the hills and dirt roads just west of Lake Mathews and north of Cajalco Rd.

Teams              MI/VCR        RJN         AIN          UDZ     HPW/Peter
T2-LAJ               X            X           X            X        X
T7-GQ                X            X           X                     X
T9-GQ                X            X           X            X        X
T12-GQ               X            X           X            X        X
T13-GQ               X            X           X                     X
Rsnake-G             X            X           X                     X
Rsnake-C             X            X           X            X        X
             Disqualified     To Many  No Complaints   4 of 7   Unofficial
             due to pulling   Dogs     and Only 2      Ts Found start point
             antenna from     chasing  Dogs!                    
             Ground           Him!                 
It looks like we had four teams finding allT's before official quitting time,However, Deryl only had 2 dogs chasing him and Doug had 6! It's unfortunate that the team of Paul and Peter had to start in Claremont, a unofficial start point.And Scott,N6MI,  and Tom, K6VCR, just had to pull T13's antenna up out of the ground, in violation of strict rules, not to touch any part of apparatus. Scot, KA6UDZ, would have found all the T's, but was concerned about the well being of the hiders after dark!

Well, it seems that from the above information, we have a clear winner. N6AIN was the first to find a T and the first to find his last T. Also his T-Hunt vehicle was the most dust free of any of the other!

So by all the law invested in us as T hiders and legal support from the BOARD We declare, Deryl N6AIN the offical winner (loser) of the November 2018 Mini All Day.

Hope all the hunters had fun, and see you next year, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

From the Team of KD6LAJ and KF6GQ