July 25th 2020
Mini All Day
Transmitter Hunt
Hider: Doug WA6RJN

It had been a long time since someone had hid on Frazier Mountain. There had been a few hunts on nearby Alamo and Pinos mountains. I started by using Plan A but it turned out to be a private road. On to Plan B-a forest road until I found a bad whoop-de-do that required 4-wheel drive and careful navigation. On to Plan C. The first site I tried took some time to get to but I decided to use a different location that required less travel.

With all the plan changes I was now out of time. I started to assemble the 15-element beam and found the hardware missing. Duct tape works well for that. I found a place under a large pine tree. I used 3 stakes to secure the beam in the upright position-well almost. All thee stakes pulled out of the very soft ground. After securing the bean to a branch above the beam I set up the 50W T1 (that I had tested the night before). Now it’s only showing 8 W. Using the backup T1 and amp I was up and running with 35W.

The remaining Ts were set up on the forestry road 8N04 leading up to the main T. Two of the Ts were 50mW and were hanging from the bottom of their antennas. T11 from a J pole in a PVC tube hanging in a bush, and T9 from a 15-foot tall stacked J pole propped up to a tree. T9 was hidden a short distance down a road that came off an open area next to 8N04. After hiding the T, a group set up camp in the open area making access a little more interesting. N6MI decided not to pass the camp site but based on the description of where it was gets an honorable mention in finding T9.

All the teams arrived at the mountain about the same time, about 4 PM.

Team                     Ts                      Mileage

K6VCR/K6AUW   6      T1 T8 T5 T9 T3 T11           123         WINNER !

KB6HPW        6      T1 T8 T5 T9 T3 T11           194

WA6CYY        5      T1 T8 T9 T3 T11              160

N6MI          5      T8 T5 T3 T11 (T9)            143

KA6UDZ        4      T1 T8 T5 T3                  140

The Winner is the team of Tom K6VCR and Bruce K6AUW