April 22nd 2006
All Day

Hider: Doug WA6RJN

Hider’s story

Another month, another hide. I had an area all picked out but because of the unusual springs rains I found out the original area was not accessible. I had to pick another area that was not too far away so I would have some time to check it out and avoid what happened last month. Since I work near Santa Clarita, the near by canyons and ridges could be checked out on my way home.

I decided to hide all lower power Ts. I found a good place for T1 (50 mW, dipole) on Del Sur Ridge (6N18) which parallels Bouquet Canyon. T1 was near 6N19 while at the SW end I hide T3 (50 mW, dipole, horiz). I had originally set up T3 a little farther down the road in a small canyon but realized that the canyon pointed the wrong way and thought that the signal would not be heard. Turns out that the new location was almost as bad as T3 was not generally heard as expected even though it over looked the Santa Clarita area.

T9 (5 mW, vert, 11-element beam) was 6 miles up the southern end of 6N07 from Bouquet Cyn and was on the east side of the ridge. The idea I was going for was to reduce the output power, aim the signal toward the 5/14 interchange and not have it heard at T1. T4 (300 mW, duckie) was on Grass Mt. T11 (50 mW, duckie) was near by on 6N04 a little farther past the cut off to Grass Mt. T10 (50 mW duckie) was in at a small turn out at the north end of Bouquet Reservoir.

I placed T3 and T9 to help determine the winner figuring that not everyone would find them. The interesting result was that JPI found T9 while DWL/MJU found T3 yet both teams had almost the same mileage. JPI is the winner by a Crenshaw factor.

I returned on Sunday to pick up 6 soggy Ts and their damp sign-in sheets. T4 was still in the fog. Hopefully, next month’s hunt will be dry and sunny !

WB6JPI   T1      T10      T4      T11      T9  Miles 
Winner  1:14    2:56     3:50    4:03     5:50
       75.70   92.40   104.10  104.70   135.60 (132.5)

WA6DWL/K6MJU  T1      T10      T4      T11      T3   Miles
             1:35     2:55     3:50    4:06    5:20
            79.60    94.50   103.10  104.0   132.50  (135.4)

KF6GQ/KD6LAJ   T1      T9      T10      T4      T3
             12:41    3:20    4:25     4:50    6:22
             69.20  108.30  123.10   131.00  159.00

N6AIN    T1      T10      T4      T11
       12:57    1:55     2:57    3:20
       73.90   84.70    95.80   96.80

N6ZHZ/KD6CYG  T4      T11
             2:32    3:20
            88.60   90.30

KD6ICZ   T1      T10      T4      T11      T9
        1:45    2:32     3:20    3:50     3:30 ??