First Saturday
Transmitter Hunt Results
January 5th, 2002

It was a typical Saturday night; I was responsible for hiding the Transmitter that I had not planed to do. Wanting to stay at home and visit with my brother who drove down from Rancho Cucamonga. I concluded it was back to the basics, single transmitter, convenient and safe place to put it. All that turned out to be; ½ watt transmitter into 4 element quad in my truck and park it at a place that the neighbors would know my truck and not bother it (in front of my brother house) three block away from home.
And the results are!

Call/s Miles K0OV/WB6UZZ/KE6IPY/Eric 19.6 Winner ! N6EKS/N6AIN/WA6PYE 20.8 K6SNE 24.0 WA6DLQ/WB6RQT 28.2 The End N6MJN